Vinton Construction

Appleton Road (STH 47) Interchange, Outagamie County, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Transportation / Outagamie County, Wisconsin

Date Completed:

August 2015


Concrete Pavement, Earthwork & Grading, Underground Utilities, Custom Crushing


Omnni Associates

Award Won:

2016 / 27th Annual ACPA Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards

Project Summary:

The Appleton Road (STH 47) Interchange project involved 0.6 miles of urban reconstruction through the interchange with STH 441, including STH 441 bridge widening and ramp reconstruction.

Contract Amount:


Project Length:

0.6 miles

By the Numbers:

  • 34,000 SY of 9-inch Concrete Pavement
  • 83,000 CY of Excavation
  • 85,000 Tons of Base Aggregate
  • 47,000 SF of Concrete Sidewalk
  • 17,000 LF of Curb and Gutter
  • 6,600 LF of Storm Sewer
Full Site Construction

About the Project

阿普尔顿路(st47)是一条穿越阿普尔顿市的主干道, City of Menasha and Town of Menasha.

It is in an important north-south roadway that carries 19,000 vehicles per day, 它既是指定的国家公路系统路线,也是威斯康星州货运网络路线. The Appleton Road Interchange project involved 0.6 miles urban reconstruction through the interchange with STH 441, including STH 441 bridge widening and ramp reconstruction.

Vinton Construction接受了投标文件中要求的以下挑战:关闭Appleton Road和s441交汇处坡道,最多75个日历日,以完成4车道分隔道路的重建, interchange ramps, and roundabouts at the ramp terminal intersections. 由于合同附带的每天25,000美元的罚款,失败是不可能的. Vinton and their 12 sub-contractors were up to the task. By means of extraordinary forces, extended work hours with multiple construction operations, and precise construction sequencing and coordination, Vinton was able to meet all project requirements within the allotted time frame.

该工程包括370多个单独的投标中国博彩网址,包括各种可以想象的工作类型. 许多美学中国博彩网址和设施包括在合同中,如彩色混凝土人行横道, colored and stamped sidewalk in medians, intersection bumpout construction, bus shelter installation, trash receptacles, benches, bike racks, and planting of nearly 1,600 trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses. 其他中国博彩网址工作包括在工程两端的十字路口安装交通信号灯, roadway lighting, overhead sign structures, ITS construction, and bridge construction.

尽管阿普尔顿道及441号运输及房屋局交汇处已关闭,但仍无法通行, construction staging was a big part of the project. 承包商被要求在施工范围内的两个十字路口保持穿过阿普尔顿路的全部通道,这两个路口是当地企业和Fox Valley Transit公共汽车中国博彩平台的重要接入点. At both ends of the project, 交叉路口转弯车道建设和交通信号安装在合同限制何时允许关闭车道的交通条件下完成. The corridor is also an important pedestrian route, and the contract also required the following pedestrian accommodations:

  • Maintain pedestrian accommodation on a paved surface at all times.
  • 在工程期间,在指定的行人路线周围安装和维护安全围栏.
  • 为行人在桥下行走时提供保护,防止掉落的碎片.

现有人行道和多个阶段的临时沥青人行道和人行横道相结合,以满足中国博彩网址对行人的要求. 最复杂的施工区域是通过匝道终端环形交叉路口和桥下施工. In both areas, the contractors posted flagman to watch for pedestrians. When pedestrians approached, 旗手会停止或清理建筑活动/设备,然后引导行人安全通过工作区域.

April 12, 2015年是Vinton Construction及其12家分包商承担的艰巨任务的第一天. The work included long hours, several around the clock operations, and limited space between multiple crew operations. On June 26, 74 calendar days later, 阿普尔顿道及运输及房屋局441号交汇处已提早一天通车. 参与这项工程的所有承包商都付出了巨大的努力,但没有牺牲工作质量. Vinton’s management and scheduling was superb, 所有的承包商都团结起来,克服了障碍,完成了中国博彩网址的最后期限. 高质量的工作和对细节的关注导致了所有相关方都可以真正引以为傲的成品. 经运输及房屋局局长441号交汇处的阿普尔顿道走廊,将为社区提供优质的中国博彩平台,以及优美的道路美学和设施,为社区中国博彩平台多年

Noteworthy Project Details

  • The project had great impacts to local businesses, 及关闭该交汇处,迫使车辆由邻近的交汇处进入441号公路. WisDOT制定了最长75个日历日的关闭时间表,并附带了大量的违约金,以尽量减少对旅行公众和企业的影响. 这是一种独特的方法,以迫使加快施工进度,并重建通往STH 441的全线通道,以减轻对邻近交汇处的挤塞. 为了满足这个加速的进度,Vinton内部将中国博彩网址分成了3个阶段,允许4个下水道工作人员, 2个平地队和多个铺路队在中国博彩网址范围内同时工作.
  • 独特的设计美学元素被纳入走廊美化,包括彩色和印花混凝土人行道和人行横道, an extraordinary amount of landscaping, form lined and stained concrete bridge parapets, bus shelters, decorative trash receptacles and bike racks.
  • 该合同包括一个独特的中国博彩网址,78英寸的整体混凝土路缘和排水沟. 在自行车道靠近路边的地方,它充当了自行车道的角色. Generally, 78英寸对于传统的摊铺机来说太窄了,对于传统的路缘机来说又太宽了. To be able to slip form the 78-inch integral curb and gutter, Vinton used a unique set up of their paver. 摊铺机的方向与正常工作方向成90度,78英寸的鞋架悬挑在机器一侧, creating a larger than normal curb machine. 这使得摊铺机可以在新铺设的车道上行驶,并在78英寸的整体式路缘和排水沟上结痂. This was a unique set up that saved time by eliminated 1,500英尺的手工工作,最终生产出更一致的机器放置最终产品.
  • Vinton利用他们自己的现场移动破碎机将旧中国博彩平台回收到中国博彩网址所需的大部分破碎机中. 这一过程省去了数百辆卡车运输旧混凝土和新材料的过程,减少了二氧化碳的排放, fuel consumption and saved on the wear and tear on the local roads.